Choose Your Mountain,
Then Conquer It!
You Are The Power of One!
Steve hall
Hello and welcome! I am a politically active businessperson, entrepreneur, Pastor, and Founder of Calling the 7000. Most importantly I am a husband, dad, grandpa, citizen, and friend to many. I am extremely concerned about the direction of our nation today, the bitterness of our politics, our failing schools, our communities, and the redefining of our societal beliefs in general.
Over the past 3 years I have spent hour upon hour praying and seeking God for revelation and a method for combating what, I believe, is the degradation and destruction of our nation. God took me to the past to save the present and future. We must stop the redefining of society and culture. We can only do this by returning to the guidance God gives us through the Bible. We simply must love others enough to speak the truth. We must reinject Truth into our entire society. Truth must be restored in our homes, schools, churches, businesses, entertainment, media, and every other facet of our lives. If we fail to do this, our society as we know it is doomed. Will you join me in this effort?
Just as God called Elijah to deliver and restore Israel from the tyranny of King Ahab and Jezebel, He has called me and is calling you to Reclaim, Rebuild, and Restore the United States of America.
Pick your place on the wall and STAND!